The Father says today, "Some assembly is required." This is because you are coming into a narrowing time when the intensity of the path and the intensity of the journey is going to be increased. Do not let your heart be troubled. Do not let such thoughts enter into your mind because the scripture tells us in Acts 14:22 that it is through much tribulation you enter the kingdom. The word tribulation does not mean horrendous disease or something from the devil. What that means is pressure. Manifold pressure. You have to learn how to push into the pressure in order to break out into the kingdom. As you accept the pressure and move into the pressure, righteousness will define you and break out around you. You will experience what happens when everything you say and do becoming as effective as if I said it or did it.
Prophet Russ - I'm Breaking Out of the Pressure and Into the Kingdom - Today!
Seek understanding, pray for wisdom and enlightenment, and keep a notepad by your bedside because I'm going to be speaking to you in the night seasons. I have visitation for you. Visitation and pronounced habitation of My Spirit on the inside of you, says the Lord because I'm not willing for you to live without joy. I want your joy to be full because with joy comes direction. As I said in my word, Isaiah 55, you'll go out with joy, and you'll be led forth with peace. Do you want peace or do you want understanding? says the Lord. Understanding is highly overrated in terms of giving you what you've never had before. If you want what you've never had before, you have to do what you've never done before, and you have to be willing for me to take you out where you don't have a frame of reference in the logic of man or the wisdom of man, as to what the future holds and what things look like. This is who I am and what I am doing in you and around you as I burst onto the scene to bring my freshness and blessing into your life.
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...
The Father says today know this: everyone has sinned against Me, publicly or privately. My Word instructs you to confess your sins and turn...
Have you been crying out to God in the midst of struggles, wondering if He hears you or has a plan for your breakthrough?...