The Father says today, I am establishing my paternity in your life. I am establishing my fatherhood in every area of your life, past, present, and future. You are My servant, yes, but not just a servant, you are my entitled child. And of my inheritance, you will partake to the full. Take on yourself the signet of my authority. Your words carry weight, not because you memorize scripture or understand mystical sayings. Your words carry weight in my kingdom because the angels attending you see the unmistakable family resemblance of the King of kings in your visage. You are mine, says the Father. I have stamped My image upon you. That image is in you, and it's working its way out of you until My character and My nature are the first and lasting impression you make upon all you meet.
Prophet Russ - The Paternity of God is Established in Me - Today!
On this day, you will be like Peter of old, when his very shadow healed many. I'm bringing you out of the shadows and into the substance, says the Lord, even as you've cried out to me, so it shall be. This is not a promise for the distant future but a present reality. You may not yet fully perceive the extent of your authority, but I assure you, it is potent. Your words, spoken in faith and aligned with my will, carry the power to heal, deliver, and transform. Do not underestimate the impact of your voice. Speak with confidence, knowing that I am with you and that my Spirit empowers every utterance.
The Father says today I am your peace in the midst of the storm. Do not fear the troublemakers, for I will grant you...
Get ready to step into your Jubilee season! The Father has a powerful message for you today about freedom, release, and the fulfillment of...
The Father says: "Today is a gift. Live it, embrace it, walk in My presence. Release yesterday's burdens, trust in My plan for tomorrow....