The Daily Word with Prophet Russ Walden

June 02, 2024 00:07:38
The Daily Word with Prophet Russ Walden
Daily Prophetic Word
The Daily Word with Prophet Russ Walden

Jun 02 2024 | 00:07:38


Show Notes

Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into your blessings! For more information and to take advantage of many free breakthrough resources, visit

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hello, this is Russ Walden with Father's heart ministry. And this is the daily prophetic word. Now, what's the point of the daily word? True enough, this word goes out to over a quarter million people. But as Peter said, no. Prophecy is of private interpretation. [00:00:22] If you will wrap your faith around this word, it will saturate your life. It will attach to your destiny and bring you into that place that you've cried out for, says the father. The father says, today you stand at the center of my purpose. This purpose may not be fully clear to you yet, and that's all right. There are questions. But remember the words of Isaiah. You'll go out with joy and peace, and not with some rigid plan that only a religious mentality could wrap their minds around. Trust that even when the path seems unclear, I am leading you inexorably to your blessing place. The same place where I told Elijah that I would send the ravens to feed him. Even so. [00:01:17] Even so, I am sending provision, direction, and purpose into your life. A life that on the surface seems purposeless and wandering at times. But no more. For I am at work on your behalf, says the Father. My love for you goes beyond your current understanding. You look around at those who seem to have arrived in life while you languish in struggle with greater needs than even they. But they are Esau, and you are my Jacob. As Jacob wrestled with the angel of my presence, you have gone a few rounds with me, and lo, I have changed your nature from a heel grabbing loser to a king and priest in my kingdom. Wear that mantle. Accept the changes that I'm working in you lay aside those aspects of your character and conduct that only get in the way, making you more unhappy and more greatly estranged from what I've laid aside for you in the heavens. It's time to grow up in the things of God and be that person, says the Lord that I've called you to be. The time is now. Esau sought a place of repentance and couldn't find it. What he groped for vainly I extend to you, not because you deserve it or because you're any different than him. This isn't about you. It's about my kingdom, my purpose and my plan. And if you will humble yourself and come out of the hog trough of the world, I will cause you to shine with my strength. My holiness and I will beautify you with heaven's best long before you would ever expect such things to come to pass. Accept the assignment and embrace my heart for you, says God. And things will get better. The most significant blessings often come wrapped up in challenges that require stepping outside your comfort zone. Situations may unfold sooner or later than you anticipate, and that's okay. Don't cling too tightly to your timing expectations, because no matter how high you've set your sights, I I have plans to lift you higher and higher than you could ever conceive. Be ready to follow my instructions and adapt to changing circumstances. Those who can adjust to their plans without losing faith are truly blessed. When you feel pressure or face delays. Find comfort. Find solace in my unwavering love. Don't get caught up in in the weak teachings and false expectations of others. I am your ultimate authority and protection. Put your trust in me even when those around you disappoint. [00:04:13] For I see those tears and I see the things that you cried out to me in the night. This is a season. It is a season of rest. Rest from your labors. No more fleshly striving. [00:04:28] Come to me and I will grant you peace and renewal. But remember this, rest isn't about stagnation or inactivity. Be assured that I am working swiftly behind the scenes to bring your deepest desires and greatest dreams to fruition. Trust in my timing, says God, and continue to walk faithfully in the path that I have laid out for you and you will not be disappointed. [00:04:57] Now what do you do with the word like this? You mix it with faith. [00:05:03] You make a choice to remember that Jesus said that the kingdom of God does not come with observation. So passively observing a word or pondering a word will get you nowhere. You need to take the word activated by your faith. One of the most powerful ways to get in abject, unbelief or absolute faith is in the area of giving. Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its very fulfillment in your life. You see, the faith that it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass. In your situation, ask me how I know. [00:05:53] Act now, because your response time in giving is a metric for God's timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. [00:06:04] Go to, click on the donation button and let your faith soar. [00:06:14] The mailing address is father's heart ministry, PO Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814. Or you can text the word prophet to 44321. If you use cash app dollar prophetic now if you use zell, i want you to know that I am here to be the prophet in your life. Second Chronicles 2020 says, if we believe the prophet, so shall you prosper. I want you to notice how we misread that verse so much. [00:06:50] We think it says, believe the prophecies. It doesn't say believe the prophecies. It says, believe the prophets, so shall you prosper. And how can you believe in the prophet unless you have one in your life? [00:07:03] That's what I'm here for. [00:07:06] I want to remind you that the sky isn't falling. I don't care what you see on the news and on the media. The sky isn't falling. The kingdom in your life. The kingdom is coming. This is Russ Walden with Father's heart ministry. Visit us at [email protected] and take advantage of all the resources that are there to put you over in life. God bless.

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