The Daily Word with Prophet Russ Walden - Fear Not Little Flock - The Kingdom is Yours!

September 11, 2024 00:04:16
The Daily Word with Prophet Russ Walden - Fear Not Little Flock - The Kingdom is Yours!
Daily Prophetic Word
The Daily Word with Prophet Russ Walden - Fear Not Little Flock - The Kingdom is Yours!

Sep 11 2024 | 00:04:16


Show Notes

The Father says today, fear not, little flock – I have ALREADY given you the kingdom! I have given you the kingdom in the person of My Son! I have given you the kingdom through the indwelling Christ who lives in you as the Dunamis Power of My hand... (continued)

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Speaker A: Hello, this is Russ Walden with Father's heart ministry. The father says today, fear not little flock, I've already given you the kingdom. I've already given you righteousness, peace and joy. I have given you the kingdom in the person of my son. I have given you the kingdom through the indwelling Christ who lives inside you as the Dunamis power of my hand. I have given you the kingdom and an unconditional entitlement of glory and grace that protects, defends and provides for you. At every turn. Nations rise and nations fall, says the father. See that you are not troubled by the turmoils of kings and of peoples. All the nations of the earth are but the small dust of the scale compared to the weight of my kingdom on the inside of you. Nations and regimes, they have a life cycle that goes through birth, maturity and decline. But my government on your shoulders this day is an ever increasing thing, ever increasing in strength, ever increasing in power. So rise up and shake yourself from the mesmerism of fear and doubt and unbelief that paralyzes the leaders of the earth and their like. Remember you are a king and a priest under your God. Remember that the scepter of my rule is a scepter of righteousness by the efficacy of the blood shed on Calvary. Rejoice and rest and trust, says the Father, for I am with you and will never leave you or forsake you at any moment. [00:01:36] Speaker B: Now what do you do with the word like this? You mix it with faith. You make a choice to remember that Jesus said that the kingdom of God does not come with observation. Passively observing a word or pondering a word will get you nowhere. You need to take the word and activate it by your faith. And one of the most powerful ways to get in abject unbelief or absolute faith is in the area of giving. Mix this word with some faith by sowing into its very fulfillment in your life. You see, the faith that it takes to give into a prophetic word is equivalent to the faith involved in bringing that very word to pass in your situation. Ask me how I know. Act now, because your response time in giving is a metric for God's timing in bringing this breakthrough to pass in your situation. Go to, comma. Click on the donation button and let your faith soar. The mailing address is father's heart ministry, PO Box 14127, Springfield, Missouri 65814. Or you can text the word prophet to 44321 if you use cash app dollar sign prophetic now if you use, i want you to know that I am here to be the prophet in your life. Second Chronicles 2020 says, if we believe the prophet, so shall you prosper. I want you to notice how we misread that verse so much. We think it says believe the prophecies. It doesn't say believe the prophecies. It says believe the prophets, so shall you prosper. And how can you believe in the prophet unless you have one in your life? And that's what I'm here for. I want to remind you that the sky isn't falling. I don't care what you see on the news and on the media. The sky isn't falling. The kingdom in your life, the kingdom is coming. This is Russ Walden with father's heart ministry. Visit us [email protected] and take advantage of all the resources that are there to put you over in life. God bless.

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