The Father says today, "I am writing the word 'change' over your life. Get ready for change. I am sending the angel of My presence into your life to initiate this transformation, and with it will come a shaking, but fret not. Shift and change do not take place in an environment of stability, nor does it occur where security is your highest priority. You will have to relinquish your hold on the things that represent security and stability in your life if you truly desire to see your heart's greatest dream fulfilled. I must deconstruct those things that you have clung to, those things that have made you feel safe. You long for peace and comfort, for your world to be settled and predictable. But I am going to move in your life for your ultimate good, and it will not be the enemy who disrupts your world.
Prophet Russ - I Embrace the Shift - Today!
I will come to you, even as I came to the disciples walking upon the sea, and at first, they did not recognize me. Peter said, 'Lord, if it is you, bid me to come.' I tell you now, as I told him then, it is I, and I am calling you to be one of those who vaults over the rail of the ship of false security and has a water-walking testimony. Get ready. This is your hour. This is your time. Forget the past. Relinquish the past. Leave it to me. Trust me with the outcome, for I am walking through the corridors of your past. I am opening doors and shutting doors, moving through the rooms of your past, and I am cleaning house. I am going through with a dustpan and a broom, sweeping up all the refuse and giving you beauty for ashes. This is your time, your day of recompense and restoration. You have held onto the past for far too long. It has become a weight, hindering your progress and dimming your vision of the future I have planned for you - but all that changes today says the Father!
The Father says today I have released to you the gift of healing. This is not merely a future promise but a present reality....
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...