The Father says today, I'm not ignoring you. You have My full attention and I’m moving to rescue and deliver you from the time of trouble you’ve blundered into. My arm is exposed, and My eye is searching and focused on the earth, seeking to demonstrate My power to save and deliver you and that right quickly. In your life, I will exhibit My strength on your behalf. I will exert My force in your life, thereby breaking the constraints that have hindered you, the limitations that have restricted you, and the forces that have sought to destroy you. My mind is made up, says God, and I have sworn by My name that I have bound Myself by covenant to your well-being. Surely, I am sovereign, and I can do anything I choose to do, but know this: I have chosen to align My will with your prosperity and health, just as your soul prospers. These are My intentions, and they will materialize in your life without fail.
Prophet Russ - God is Fully Focused and Intent on My Breakthrough - Today!
Do not be anxious about future events, for I am present with provision, direction, and instructions when necessary. When challenges arise, resources from the Glory realm will be forthcoming. I will provide for all your needs, ensuring the fulfillment of My purpose. Your destiny is not one of decline or loss but one of ascension and authority. I have positioned you as an authority on the earth. Therefore, act accordingly. Speak with authority, allowing the voice of My kingdom to proceed from your words. Act, proceed forward, and I will expand your path and enlarge your steps along the way. It will be evident that I have chosen to obligate Myself to you by virtue of the Cross. I will not abandon you, forsake you, or fail you. I have provided, already provided, all that is necessary to fulfill your destiny. Your destiny is not one of diminishment; your destiny is not one of loss, but it is one that leads you into the manifestation of being seated with me in heavenly places far above.
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...