The Father says today, understand this: You must learn to hate evil. It is not enough to simply tolerate its presence or passively wish it away. You must develop an active, burning aversion to it, for only in hating evil can you truly conquer it. Look around you and see the devastation it causes. Innocent lives are extinguished through abortion, families are shattered by addiction, and countless souls are lost to the darkness of sin. These are not mere statistics; they are the consequences of disobedience, the fruits of turning away from Me...
Experience daily transformation with the Daily Prophetic Word. Tune in for anointed, life-changing words of encouragement, comfort, and direction. Get ready to step into...
The Father says today, "I am not moving you. There is a fresh anointing for a new day, a new season, and a new...
The Father says today, "My beloved child, lift your eyes and see the vastness of My provision. I am the God of abundance, the...