The Daily Prophetic Word with Prophet Russ Walden

March 25, 2024 00:03:16
The Daily Prophetic Word with Prophet Russ Walden
Daily Prophetic Word
The Daily Prophetic Word with Prophet Russ Walden

Mar 25 2024 | 00:03:16


Show Notes

Have you been feeling limited? Have others, or even your own doubts, tried to box you in? Forget all that! The Father has a message for you: It's time to dream bigger. God has instilled within you the nature of a king, capable of achieving extraordinary things. Today, we'll unpack the victory already won for you on the cross, and how the Holy Spirit empowers you to dream and envision a future beyond the ordinary. Don't be afraid to let your dreams soar – they are prayers waiting to be answered.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hello, this is Russ Walden with Father's heart ministry. And this is the daily prophetic word the father says today. Don't get bogged down. Fix your eyes forward. Don't get bogged down by limitations that you've set for yourself or the boundaries that others have tried to impose who don't see you the way I see you. You hold within yourself a capacity for more, a potential waiting called Tabaraba Casta to be unleashed. It's time to dream bigger. Don't be afraid to envision a future that seems out of reach. I live and I work in the realm of the impossible. The dreams you hold are a reflection of the kingly nature I've placed within you. The cross secured your victory, and these dreams are the whispers of that victory urging expression. When I spoke through the prophet Joel about the outpouring of my spirit, I envisioned a people overflowing with dreams and visions, a multitude empowered to see beyond the present. That's exactly what I've poured into you, the fire of a dreamer. I put that fire in your belly not to deny you its fulfillment. [00:01:31] Your role is to paint the picture, to set the course with your dreams. [00:01:38] Leave the fulfillment to me. You step out and I will enlarge your steps before you. I take immense pleasure in weaving your aspirations into reality. So dream big dream, a bigger dream. Don't be confined by practicality or doubt. Let your dreams be audacious, audacious prayers, audacious declarations of faith burning brightly within you. For I am here to turn those dreams into a resounding victory. [00:02:18] Do you appreciate the daily prophetic word? Go to and subscribe to the text based version that we've been doing all of these years and leave a donation. Listen the faith when a word blesses you, when a word resonates with you, the faith that it takes to give throughout the scripture, when they went to the prophet said they never went before the Lord. Empty. And the faith, the giving, the gift, is nothing. The faith that it takes to give is the same faith that activates that word and causes it to become a living thing in your life. [00:03:03] This is Russ Walden with father's heart ministry reminding you the sky isn't falling, the kingdom is coming.

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