The Daily Prophetic Word with Prophet Russ Walden

March 23, 2024 00:03:11
The Daily Prophetic Word with Prophet Russ Walden
Daily Prophetic Word
The Daily Prophetic Word with Prophet Russ Walden

Mar 23 2024 | 00:03:11


Show Notes

Tune in to today's Daily Prophetic Word for a powerful message on the steadfastness of God's love. In a world of shifting sands, we explore themes of change, uncertainty, and finding our anchor in the unchanging, ever-present love of the Father.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Hello, this is Russ Walden with Father's heart ministry. This is the daily prophetic word the father says today. Focus on the constant and I am that constant in your life. People, they drift in and out of your life. Situations shift, and even the scenery around you is ever changing. The this impermanence can be unsettling, but remember, it doesn't diminish the constancy of my presence in your life. My love for you is the unwavering foundation beneath all this change, the ever present canopy sheltering you even when it feels like everything around you is shifting. Remember that I am that constant. My presence is like a steady lighthouse guiding you through the stormy seas of life. In a world where everything seems uncertain, find solace in the fact that I am that one true constant in the midst of chaos and turmoil, cling to the unwavering truth that I am always with you. My love for you knows no bounds and will never falter, no matter what challenges you may face. [00:01:20] So when everything around you seems to be in flux, anchor yourself in the constancy of my love and my grace. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of change and uncertainty. But remember, I am the unchanging rock on which you can always rely. Let this truth bring you peace and comfort as you navigate the everchanging landscape of your life. So as you go about your day, remember to focus on the constancy of my presence. Let my love guide you, sustain you, give you strength in the face of uncertainty. Trust in the unwavering nature of my love, and you will always find peace in the midst of life. Storms as you navigate interactions big or small, recognize I'm there too. [00:02:12] A simple acknowledgment, a flicker of recognition in your eyes. That I'm there brings immense joy. Don't cling to impermanent things. Even those things, those relationships, those friendships that you thought would last. [00:02:29] Change is not a punishment, but a necessary part of your growth. Through it, through it, you learn, heal, and gain wisdom. This wisdom will shift your perspective and remind you always to rely on me, for my love again is the one great constant you can hang on to. Let the impermanence of the world around you lead you to that deeper dependence upon my unchanging love. [00:03:00] This is Prophet Russ Walden with Father's heart ministry reminding you that the sky isn't falling, the kingdom is coming.

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