Breakthrough Prophetic Word for February

January 31, 2025 00:09:20
Breakthrough Prophetic Word for February
Daily Prophetic Word
Breakthrough Prophetic Word for February

Jan 31 2025 | 00:09:20


Show Notes

Hello, this is Russ Walden with Father's Heart Ministry and this is Breakthrough Prophetic Word for February: The Dawn of New Beginnings

The Father says that the winds of change are blowing in your life today, carrying with them the scent of fresh possibilities and the promise of a new dawn. Darkness and sorrow are departing; joy and celebration are flowing under the warmth of My fresh favor over you this day. Stretch your faith for February will be a pivotal month, a time of significant shifts and divine realignment. I am preparing My people, I am preparing you for a season of breakthrough, restoration, and unprecedented growth.

This is preparation season, says God, even as Esther prepared for months to go before the king, so I am drawing you closer, mending broken hearts, and restoring fractured relationships. This is a time to embrace forgiveness, extend grace, and walk in the fullness of My love. The love that you sacrificially show to others will be rendered back to you a hundredfold from My throne to bring change, deliverance, and healing.

Decree this with me - Prophet Russ - I am Breaking Free from the Chains of the Past - Today!

No more carrying the weight of past hurts, disappointments, and regrets. The Lord says, "Enough!" It is time to lay down those burdens at the foot of the cross and walk into the freedom that Calvary purchased for you. The chains of the past have no power over you anymore. You are a new creation in Christ, and your future is filled with hope and promise.

Decree this with me - Prophet Russ - This Is My Season of Divine Restoration!

I am restoring what the locusts have eaten. I am bringing beauty from ashes and turning mourning into dancing. Areas of your life that have been barren or desolate will blossom and flourish. This is a time to believe for the impossible, to trust in My willingness and My power to restore and rebuild.

Decree this with me - Prophet Russ - The Spirit of Revelation is Being Poured Out On Me - Today!

Eyes are being opened, even the eyes of My people, to see things that have been hidden. I am revealing My plans and purposes in greater clarity, even things that have been hidden from the foundation of the world. This is a time to seek My face, to listen to My voice, and to be led by My Spirit. The Spirit of revelation will bring clarity, direction, and wisdom, and as you seek My face, you will see My hand in strong measure sweeping through your life, correcting those things that don't reflect My nature and pouring out of My kindness upon you and all those whose lives you touch.

Decree this with me - Prophet Russ - I Accept The Call to Boldness and Courage - Today!

The Dayspring has arisen upon you today - say to your soul, "It is time to rise up and shine!" This is not a time to shrink back in fear or doubt. It is a time to be bold and courageous, to step out in faith and declare the truth of My Word. The enemy will try to silence your voice, but the Lord says, "Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will strengthen you and uphold you with My righteous right hand."

Decree this with me - Prophet Russ - God's Harvest in My Life is Ripe and Ready - Today!

The fields are white for harvest. Let there be laborers in My harvest field and that includes you. As you have gone out weeping bearing precious seed you will come rejoicing, bringing in tow those souls and lives that were broken but now have seen the light of who I AM and come to know My love through your obedient testimony. There are souls that are hungry for the truth and hearts that are searching for meaning and purpose. This is a time to share the love of God, to proclaim the good news of salvation, and to make disciples of all nations.

A Time of Unity and Reconciliation

Walls of division are breaking down and I am bringing My people together in unity. Make sure that you are on the right side of what I'm doing. Refuse to enter into controversy or strife, for this is the time to embrace the commonality of all those who are called by My name. In that place of unity is where the oil, even the oil that flowed down Aaron's beard, will flow in your midst, breaking every chain. So celebrate different gifts and callings and work together for the advancement of My kingdom. The enemy will try to sow discord and strife, but I say to you, "Love one another as I have loved you."

Decree this with me - Prophet Russ - I Am Preparing for the Bridal Season of the King!

The Bridal Season is at hand, says the Father. The signs of the times are clear. This is a time to be watchful and prayerful, to live holy and blameless lives, and to be ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. The Lord says, "Behold, I am coming soon. My reward is with Me, to give to each person according to what they have done."

A Personal Word for You

I love a dreamer, says the Father, and those dreams you've dreamed and big things you've asked Me for have not been forgotten. I know your heart, your dreams, and your desires. I have a specific and laid out plan and purpose for your life. It's sooner than you think and bigger than you can imagine. So seek My face, listen to My voice, and follow My leading. I will guide you, protect you, and empower you to fulfill your destiny. Do not be afraid to step out in faith. Do not be discouraged by the challenges that you face. Surely, I am with you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. This is your time to shine. This is your time to breakthrough. This is your time to experience the fullness of My blessings upon your life.

Supercharge the Activation of this Word in Your Life by an Act of Faith - Today! Does this word resonate with you? The sow your seed faith into your breakthrough by texting the word Prophet to 44321. God bless you!

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